Hand-Drawn Whiteboard Animation
Alaska Airlines
I created a series of hand-drawn animated training courses to align remote Alaska Airlines employees under a conceptual vision. I brainstormed ideas, successfully pitched the vision to leadership, storyboarded and scripted, drew the animations by hand, edited/synced the audio and video, and deployed the cross-platform content across frontline workgroups.
This video gained the highest user engagement score ever collected in our department. As a result, I was later engaged by the HR department to create another animation delivered to 21,000 employees nationwide.

Instructional Design Mockumentary 
As part of a team building activity, I wrote, directed, edited, and finalized a parody video that was played during a T-Mobile corporate event.

Trailer Video for Conference Talk
Alaska Airlines & DevLearn 2016
To generate excitement for our DevLearn Conference keynote, my co-presenter and I created an overly-dramatic cinematic trailer to introduce our talk: "Calm the Mobile Turbulence: An Alaska Airlines Case Study." 
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